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Play a joke on your friends or family

2 minutes

The best prank you can play with boyfriend, girlfriend or family member

A good joke can make life a lot more fun, especially if it happens at home. Imagine transforming the living room of a friend, partner or family member into a colorful ball pit. Here's how to plan and execute this great prank.

Preparation: What do you need?

  1. Ball pit balls: Collect a good amount of ball pit balls. You can rent them in bulk from Combiplay, where you are assured of safe and high-quality balls that meet the NEN Standards and CE guidelines. Choose a mix of colors to enhance the effect.
  2. Access to the Living Room: Make sure you have access to the living room when the person is not there. You can work with other housemates, family members or friends to secretly prepare this.

The Plan: Turn the Living Room into a ball pit

  1. Timing: Choose a time when the person is not home, such as when they are at work, running errands, or have an appointment. This creates a complete surprise.
  2. Placing balls: Start by placing the ball pit balls throughout the living room. Make sure you fill all the nooks and crannies, including under the table, behind the couch, and even in the hallways.
  3. Add decoration (optional): If you want to get extra creative, you can add balloons, streamers or other festive decorations to complete the ball pit theme.

The reveal: The big surprise

  1. Last adjustments: Make sure everything is ready and take a few photos before the person gets home.
  2. To record the response: Be ready with a camera to capture the person's reaction when they enter the living room and discover the ball pit. Their facial expressions will be priceless!

Cleaning up: Working together to restore the living room

  1. Help clean up: Once the joke is over and everyone has laughed, help the person clean up the balls. This ensures that the joke remains fun and does not cause any nuisance.

A joke that provides a lot of fun

Transforming a living room into a ball pit is not only a great prank, but also a way to add some lightness and fun to everyday life. Make sure the joke is well-intentioned and that everyone in the house can appreciate it. With a little planning and creativity, you can be sure of a hilarious and unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

Rent here your ball pit balls!