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The best children's party at home; the ball pit house

3 minutes

What could be more fun than throwing a children's party at home in your own environment. But there is one difference, your house has been transformed into a ball pit paradise. Throw an unforgettable party that will be talked about for a long time. It's also nice to invite the parents to come in for a drink at the end of the party.

Preparation: What do you need?

  1. Ball pit balls: Collect a good amount of ball pit balls. You can rent them in bulk from Combiplay, where you are assured of safe and high-quality balls that meet the NEN Standards and CE guidelines. Choose a mix of colors to enhance the effect.
  2. A window to place the balls: Make sure you have time to place the balls without your child seeing this. Then this will also be a big surprise for your child. This way you kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

The Plan: Turn the Living Room into a ball pit

  1. Timing: Choose a time when your child is not at home, for example at school or playing with a friend. It's also fun to do it in the evening and then in the morning when your child wakes up, the house has turned into a ball pit paradise. This creates a complete surprise.
  2. Placing balls: Start by placing the ball pit balls throughout the living room. Make sure you fill all the nooks and crannies, including under the table, behind the couch, and even in the hallways.
  3.  Add decoration (optional): If you want to get extra creative, you can add balloons, streamers or other festive decorations to complete the ball pit theme.

The reveal: The big surprise

  1. Last adjustments: Make sure everything is ready and take a few photos before your child gets home or wakes up.
  2. To record the response: Be ready with a camera to capture your child's reaction when they enter the living room and discover the ball pit. Their facial expressions will be priceless! Priceless.

The party:

It's a treat in itself to play in your living room full of ball pit balls. The children will be excited. But here are a few more game tips to complete the party.

Find the golden ball. 

Hide the golden balls (can be rented, ask explicitly) between the balls and divide the group in two. Set up 2 baskets and tell each group to put as many golden balls as possible in their basket. The group with the most golden balls won.

Find your gift:

Let the children hide their presents between the balls and let the birthday boy or girl look for the presents. This is great fun for everyone.

Swimming relay: 

Divide the group in two and swim the course full of obstacles through the ball pit living room. Tap the next one and the one who finishes first wins. Encouragement is allowed.

Hit the father (or mother): 

What's more fun than declaring a father an outlaw? Place the father in the middle and count down to 0. From that moment on, the children can pelt the father with ball pit balls.

Collect all the balls:

Give all children a large bag to fill with the ball pit balls. Children enjoy doing this. The big advantage, the balls are cleared away. Don't do this at the beginning, but do this at the end of the party. Maybe even when the parents are there to pick up.

Cleaning up: Working together to restore the living room

Help clean up: Once the party is over and everyone has laughed, it's time to put away the balls. There is a good chance that your child will be lying on one ear, exhausted, dreaming about the wonderful party that just took place. Then it's up to the parents, but children also enjoy cleaning up the balls together. Then many hands make light work. See last tip for a game

A party that provides a lot of fun

Transforming a living room into a ball pit is not only a great idea for a party for your child, but also a way to add some lightness and fun to everyday life. With a little planning and creativity, you can be sure to throw a hilarious and unforgettable party for everyone that will be talked about for a long time.


Rent here your ball pit bubbles!